Progress Report #3

Team Overview

Anthony Zurick, Kolt Hyde, Brady Hains, Hayden Grove, Nick Midkiff, have met up a few times this week, but we have been mostly working on both this project and other projects in different classes. As the due date approached, we've increased our efforts and are trying to spend our time wisely to assure we accomplish this effectively.

Tasks and Objectives

-Anthony has been working on improving the blockout in Unreal and sketching levels, taking the advise from our Professor has worked to make the level smaller and more believeable as a real structure size. Soon they will use assets to make the level much more complete and stylish.

-Kolt has put the character model into the project, has made it playable, and has added Idle, Walk, and Jump animations. I plan on improving the character further, tweaking the animations to work better once the level is fully complete, and more importantly working with the ingame blueprinting so it interacts with the level good. Afterwards I will work on finalizing the story and ingame notes of the game.

-Brady has created a working inventory system, and interaction system in game, allowing us to use and hold objects. Brady plans on working on the door system, and other blueprinting that needs done in the near future.

-Hayden has fixed many of the issues with the Monster, and has put it into the Unreal project. Hayden is working on its animations on how it will move around and attack the player.

-Nick has assisted in the level design, and is searching for assets to use in the project. Nick will be working with Anthony in the level design, and will help where needed.

What we accomplished together!

We have lots of catching up to do, but we have made more progress on completing the project. Soon the level will be completely furnished, and from there we can focus on making the game as well-done as possible, with integrated character, monster, and puzzles. Everyone has their tasks, and if we stay on track we will accomplish it on time.

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